World Suicide Prevention Day

By profermanagh Tue 10th Sep

World Suicide Prevention Day
World Suicide Prevention Day

We all need a little help sometimes. The daily stresses of life and work can impact or your mental health.  Not looking after our mental health and wellbeing can negatively impact both or mental and physical health.  Taking care of your mental health and wellbeing and managing stress can improve your wellbeing and build resilience.  One in five people will experience mental ill health at any time.  So now is the time to talk about it so we can recognise the signs in ourselves and others and get the help and support we need.  Fermanagh GAA is encouraging all its players, members and supporters to take ten minutes each day for self-care using the five steps to wellbeing.  Try to build these steps into your daily life and think of them as your five a day for wellbeing.


Step 1. Connect

Connect with the people around you family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, work, school or your local community.  Think of these relationships as the cornerstone of your life.  Take time to develop them.  Building these connections will support and enrich you every day.

Step 2. Keep Learning

Don’t be afraid to try something new, rediscover an old hobby or sign up for a course.  Take on a different responsibility, fix a bike, learn to play an instrument or learn to cook your favourite food.  Set a challenge you will enjoy.  Learning new things will make you more confident as well as being fun to do.

Step 3.  Be Active

Go for a walk, run, cycle, play a game, garden or dance.  Exercise makes you feel good.  Most importantly discover a physical activity that you enjoy; one that suits your level of mobility and fitness

Step 4.  Take Notice

Stop, pause or take a moment to look around you.  What can you see, smell, feel or even taste?  Look for beautiful, new, unusual or extraordinary things in your everyday life and think about how that makes you feel.

Step 5.  Give

Do something nice for a friend or stranger, thanks someone, smile, volunteer your time or consider joining a community group.  Look out as well as in.  Seeing yourself and your happiness linked to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding and will create connections with the people around you.

For further detail or help visit:

By profermanagh Tue 10th Sep

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