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Well done to Raurai McDermott

By Tom Sun 29th Nov

Well done to Raurai McDermott
Well done to Raurai McDermott

Fermanagh GAA would like to pay a huge Congratulations to well know Kinawley Brian Boru’s member Raurai McDermott on his ‘Team award’ at last nights Ulster GAA President’s Awards night at the Slieve Donard Hotel, County Down.

The 18 year old South West College student displayed fantastic skills this season for Ulster GAA wheelchair Hurling team.

The talented Kinawley man admits he really enjoyed himself, “It was a great feeling surely on winning the trophy as this Ulster team is only in its second year. Last year we didn’t win a single game and picked up some bad defeats. This year we topped our Group and could even afford to lose our last two games.

The Ulster side now head for Blanchardstown Institute of Technology on Saturday December 12th to perform in the All-Ireland stage, “I am really looking forward to that weekend, it is not easy when every way of attack is coming at you with full force and at times you had to dig deep during the games. Firstly the All-Star awards will be chosen from 11am to Noon which will be followed by the All-Ireland finals at 12.30pm. Hopefully we will get across the line with the support of Ulster GAA.”

The Ulster side have played games this year in Cookstown, Carlow, Castlebar and Waterford with McDermott paying special mention to his team mates, “The dramatic change came when we got a few more players on board which give us a bigger panel to choose from with the extra players giving us an extra dimension on speed and skill. Ulster GAA must also get a special mention for the transport and accommodation they give us all year. With 4 players from Derry, Antrim 3, Tyrone 3, Down, 1 Armagh 1 and myself it is a great privilege to be representing Fermanagh in an All-Ireland event.”

The whole of Fermanagh will be wishing Raurai McDermott good luck on Saturday December 12th in Blanchardstown.

R McDermottTeam pic

By Tom Sun 29th Nov

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