Ulster GAA retains Investing in Volunteers Award

By Tom Thu 29th Oct

Ulster GAA retains Investing in Volunteers Award

Ulster GAA has successfully retained the prestigious Investing in Volunteers Standard, which highlights the Association’s commitment to volunteering practices and policies.

Denise Hayward from Volunteer Now recently visited Ulster GAA Headquarters in Armagh City to confer the award to Ulster GAA Vice President Michael Hasson, Provincial Director Danny Murphy and Volunteer Development and Policy Officer Sharon Haughey-Grimley.


Ulster GAA first achieved the award back in July 2011 and earlier this year volunteers at the Provincial GAA Council undergone a lengthy assessment process to ensure the Association continued to meet the demanding criteria for this prestigious award.

Speaking at the conferment of the award Ulster GAA Provincial Secretary and CEO Danny Murphy said, “Ulster GAA is very proud to once again achieve Investing in Volunteer Standard.  This award rightly puts the spotlight on our volunteering policies and procedures.  Ulster GAA is run by volunteers, supported by a dedicated staff base, but its volunteers who make decisions and plan the way forward for the future.  It is extremely important that we have strong volunteering policies and procedures and I am very proud that we have once again achieved this standard.”

Ulster GAA Vice President Michael Hasson said, “It is a great achievement for Ulster GAA to once again retain this prestigious award.  I take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers who were involved in the assessment process.  Volunteers are the lifeblood of our association and I am proud that we have been able to put a focus on our policies and practices to ensure we are meeting best practice.”

By Tom Thu 29th Oct

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