Sunday Club League games are now off

By Tom Thu 12th Jul

At a meeting of the Competitions Control Committee, it was agreed to postpone the Senior Football League games scheduled to take place this Sunday 15th July.

It was felt by members that holding two senior league games within such proximity of a senior inter-county championship game would be unfair on members of the county panel and that this could have a disproportionate impact on some clubs.

These games will now take place on Sunday 29th July @ 12:00pm.

The next two weekends (20th – 22nd July and 27th – 29th July) all involve 2 rounds of Senior Football League games and an Erne Cup game. We appreciate that this may cause problems for some players and some teams in terms of pressure on and availability of players. We would therefore encourage clubs that are in such a position to agree with their respective opponents about any proposed changes as soon as possible.

We apologise for any inconvenience, but unfortunately sometimes factors outside of our control have an impact on our ability to do things as we had initially planned.

By Tom Thu 12th Jul

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