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By admin Thu 21st Nov

Fermanagh Gaa Referee’s attended a Black card training seminar on Wednesday 13th in Donn Caragh Hotel
hosted by Mick Mc Grath and Martin Higgins.

The event was well attended by almost all of those referee’s who have been active in the county
in the last year and it gave an opportunity to review the new rules and the effectiveness in dealing with
deliberate fouling in todays game. The aspect of mouthguards in adult competition was also covered.
The event led to a lot of debate, that was welcomed by those hosting and representatives from CCC
were in attendance along with county Chair Patsy Dolan and secretary Tom Boyle.

All those wishing to referee in the county in 2014 must attend this seminar and training dates are available
in other counties throughout December. Details are available from Referee secretary Harry Traynor who advised
that a club manager / coach seminar will be held in Fermanagh on 23rd January with venue to be confirmed.

The referee’s AGM will take place in Railway Hotel Enniskillen on Thursday 12th December.
Refreshments will be served at 7.30pm with proceedings underway at 8pm sharp.

By admin Thu 21st Nov

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