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Please see below two upcoming workshops for all Club Coaches.

By Tom Fri 2nd Dec


Wednesday December 7th

Course: Coaching The Tackle

Venue: St. Michaels College 7.30pm (via Sports hall entrance)

Tutor: Gary Mallon

This is an interactive indoor coaching workshop. It is open to all coaches and will use drills, games and video clips to coach the skill of tackling. At the end of the Session Coaches will have a

selection of drills and games to improve individual and team tackling. For more information contact

Wednesday December 14th
Workshop: Planning the way forward 2017
Venue: St. Michael’s College 7:30pm
Delivering: Fermanagh Coaching & Games Team
This is an opportunity for all clubs to discuss their coaching needs for 2017.  We are keen to hear Clubs views, and suggestions on how/where support can be given which will benefit all.  Coaching & Games would also like yo use this opportunity to highlight areas of focus for 2017.
Invitations to this evening are extended to Club Chair’s, Secretaries, Youth Officers, Coaching Officers and Coaches.


By Tom Fri 2nd Dec

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