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McCluskey ruled out but injured captain says quality is there to upset Down

By admin Fri 25th May

Fermanagh captain Ryan McCluskey has stated his disappointment in missing his side’s Ulster Championship clash with Down on June 3 after sustaining a bad head injury – which could rule him out for 10 weeks – but he has urged the squad to go out and cause an upset when they face the Mournemen at Brewster Park. And manager Peter Canavan has stated that “inspirational leader” McCluskey’s absence will be another motivating factor for Fermanagh to overcome Down. McCluskey sustained a sinus cavity fracture following an accidental collision at training in Aughadrumsee on Sunday. The player was taken to the Erne Hospital and spent the next three nights there. Originally the player had hoped that the injury would only see him ruled out for five or six weeks but after seeing a specialist on Tuesday at Altnagalvin Hospital in Derry he was informed that he would be out for ten weeks.

“It’s a huge disappointment but I’m hoping that I don’t need surgery and that the injury is not as bad as first expected,” said McCluskey.

And he stressed that it has been a squad game all year for Fermanagh, not about any individuals, and that he believes that they are more than capable of getting Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
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st Down when the sides meet in just over a week’s time. “It’s beeProxy-Connection: keep-alive

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about the squad and the panel all season and right from the beginning we were tested by starting the season later than other counties due to Peter’s late appointment. We put that behind us though to gain promotion in a tough league and I have faith in the squad and I’m hoping to play a part in the championship at some stage. I know with the quality we have in the squad that we can produce an upset against Down in the first round,” he said.

The player also was thankful for the support he has received since sustaining the injury.

“I would like to thank everybody for all the well wishers on twitter, facebook and calls and texts. It is really appreciated,” he stated.

Canavan admits that the loss of McCluskey is a blow for the side at this stage but he feels it is another reason for the players to want to win the game against Down.

“It’s a big blow to the team, there is no doubt about that. From a personal point of view, I would be very disappointed for him as well as he has been an inspirational leader and he has prepared himself in a very professional manner to get himself into shape and I know he was relishing the prospect of leading Fermanagh out in the championship against Down. It is a serious set back but it is another reason for the rest of the players to go on and win the game and give him a chance to play in the Championship this year,” he stated.

By admin Fri 25th May

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