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Free tree packs from the Woodland Trust – available for planting in March 2017

By Tom Fri 2nd Dec

The Woodland Trust are offering free trees to groups at the minute. You should apply now and if successful these trees could be used to greatly enhance your Club grounds.

Free tree packs from the Woodland Trust – available for planting in March 2017

More than half a million free trees are making their way to schools and community groups across the UK this month; with over 24,000 set for Northern Ireland.   The groups are greening local landscapes and tackling the country’s lack of trees and woods: Northern Ireland has just 8 per cent woodland cover, compared to the UK average of 13 per cent and the European average of 44 per cent.   It’s not too late for would-be tree planters to play a part.  Schools and groups are now invited to apply for free trees for planting next March.   The tree packs come in different sizes and mix of species, ranging from 30 native trees for a small copse or short hedgerow, to 420 trees for an area equivalent to a large football pitch.   Choose from species that will flourish in wetlands; attract wildlife; give year-round colour; or provide a bountiful wild harvest.   Find out more and apply online now at  Applications close at 4pm on 6 January 2017.    The trees have been generously funded by Sainsbury’s, IKEA FAMILY, and Yorkshire Tea.

By Tom Fri 2nd Dec

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