Devenish St. Mary’s GAA launched the annual Garrison Five Miler in St Mary’s Park on Friday afternoon at the end of their week long Cul Camp.
This year’s event – a five mile fun run, road race and walk- will be held in memory of Ryan McGovern, a much loved underage player who died tragically last December.
Proceeds raised from the event which takes place on Saturday 3 September at 12 Noon, will go to Asthma NI and Angel Wishes NI.
Speaking following the launch of the event, Devenish GAA chairman Peter Carty said:
‘The Garrison Five Miler now in its sixth year, is a wonderful community event which allows us as a Club to give back and to raise funds for a worthy cause that is close to the hearts of all those in the Garrison community. Sadly, we tragically lost young Ryan McGovern, a much loved underage player last Christmas. Ryan was a fully committed forward for our U8 team and is greatly missed by his friends, coaches and all in the Devenish Club. We want this year’s Garrison Five Miler to pay tribute to Ryan and I would encourage everyone from far and near to come along on Saturday 3 September, enjoy the event and help us to raise funds for two great organisations, Asthma NI and Angel Wishes NI.’
There will be two options for participants on the day – to enter the five miler or a shorter route from Kilcoo Cross down to the football field.
Registration will take place between 8.30 and 9.30pm on Thursday 1 and Friday 2 September and between 9 and 11am on Saturday 3 September. Please note registration will close at 11am sharp on the morning of the event.
Entry Fees: 15+ £12/€15; U15 – £6/€7.50; Family: £30/€40.