County Handbook

It is our intention that we provide you with the latest club information in one easy to navigate resource. We are also appealing to you to check it and also if possible provide us with a very small biography in your club, max 100 words.

It is also our intention to add the club crest for each club so if you have it available in a decent format please send it through. Thank you for you patience.

We hope you are happy with the new website and we assure you that we will listen to any feedback or comments that you have.

Fermanagh GAA invite and would welcome feedback from any interested stakeholders regarding  the work outlined on the theme ‘Coaching and Games Development’.

Fermanagh GAA Strategy 2015-2018


The Fermanagh GAA Strategy Plan ‘Forbairt Fhearmanach’ 2007-2012, addressed areas of activity organised under twelve Strategic Themes. These covered all aspects of the GAA in the county and were developed in consultation with all clubs in Fermanagh as well as many other GAA stakeholders.

The overall mission of the GAA in Fermanagh has not changed since 2007. We continue to be a community based volunteer organisation promoting Gaelic Games.  However Ireland has changed significantly since 2007 and Fermanagh has not been immune to this change. The economic recession resulting in emigration has had a major impact on our clubs, the pressures of falling numbers in our primary schools in rural areas, alongside less finance available from public funds is creating significant challenges going forward. The updated plan aims to redefine our goals and objectives for the next three years.

The new plan covers 2015-2018 and has been developed following a consultation with all clubs in Fermanagh. It sets objectives in twelve areas, Governance, Finance, Development, Coaching & Games Development, Club Fixtures & Competitions, County Teams, Communications & Marketing, Child Welfare, Health & Wellbeing, Inclusion, Refereeing & Discipline, and Culture & Heritage. It sets out the persons responsible for each objective, target set and date of delivery and the outcome sought from each area of work.

The County Strategy Committee will be responsible for the implementation of the plan, reporting to County Management and County Committee on a regular basis monthly / bi-monthly basis at County Committee Meetings. They will also provide a formal report on progress to Annual County Convention.

Fermanagh GAA Strategy 2015-2018 Objectives


Whilst amateurism underpins the GAA and everything it does, the Association in Fermanagh prides itself in being anything but amateurish in how it runs its affairs. The GAA is an increasingly complex business, operating in an increasingly complex world. It needs to be fit for purpose and efficient and effective in terms of how it manages itself. The Plan does not propose major changes in terms of Fermanagh’s GAA governance but focuses more on the “fine-tuning” of what’s already in place and working well. Increased attention will be paid to planning generally and to having sustainable structures in place.

What We Intend To Do Led By/Involving Targets Set Outcomes Sought
To develop a more cohesive process for appointing and recruiting personnel to sub committees & sub committees to made up of members with expertise in the relevant area County Chairperson/Management Committee Sept 2015 To ensure that all sub-committees are adequately resourced with the right people.
All sub committees to be provided with clear and concise role descriptions which will enable them to produce work plans which are both achievable and time bound County Chairperson/Management Committee On-going All sub committees  are aware of their role and responsibilities
Review the format and mechanism of County Committee and County Management Committee County Secretary/ Management Committee Ongoing/Review October 2015 To ensure that County Committee/County Management are working efficiently.
Provide ongoing support and training for Club Officers to ensure that they are compliant with e communications recommendations County Secretary/Development Committee Ongoing More effective communication within clubs and between clubs-county-clubs
Work with Croke Park and Ulster GAA to develop a Fermanagh GAA Volunteers Strategy Central Council/Ulster Council Reps/Assistant County Secretary February 2016 Increased number of committed  Fermanagh GAA Volunteers who are appropriately tasked with required skills


The GAA may be amateur but it requires very significant resources to deliver what it does within Fermanagh. Aspects of this Plan will also require further resources. This plan outlines objectives to improve financial governance at club and county level, alongside developing, effective fund-raising initiatives and ongoing support provided to Club Eirne.

What We Intend To Do Led By & Involving Targets Set Outcomes Sought
Continue to manage the County finances in all areas in line with the Code of Best Practice as outlined by the Association County Treasurer/Finance Committee Ongoing Good management  and control of Fermanagh GAA finances
Continue to report on a monthly basis to County Committee in a clear and transparent way County Treasurer/Finance Committee Ongoing Regular reports to County Committee
Develop and implement a best practice Fermanagh GAA manual for club finance containing internal control policies and procedures County Treasurer/Finance Committee/County Secretary February 2016 Deliver a manual of agreed standards and procedures for themanagement  and control of Fermanagh GAA Finances
Develop and implement Central Council Accounting System County Secretary/ County Treasurer October 2015 Fermanagh GAA are fully compliant with National Accounting System
Enhance the scheduling, promotion and pricing of Club Championship games to sustain their core financial contribution County Treasurer/Finance Committee/CCC/PR Marketing Committee Ongoing/August 15 Maximising income from Club competitions
Support Club Eirne as a key contributor to Fermanagh GAA County Treasurer/Finance Committee/Club Eirne Ongoing Club Eirne supported in their activities to improve Fermanagh GAA Finances.
Work with Fermanagh Clubs to support financial and standardise year end accounts reports County Treasurer/Finance Committee October 2015 Agreed standard for all clubs in their delivery of end of year accounts
Clubs to submit to the County Committee a copy of their Annual Report County Treasurer/Finance Committee/ County Secretary January 2016/Ongoing All Clubs shall submit accounts annually
Develop a clear strategy for enhancing levels of funds received from working in partnership with local and regional businesses. Finance Committee / County Treasurer / Club Eirne Summer 2015 Regular and reliable contributions to Fermanagh GAA from a range on key partners (sponsors)


The GAA locally prides itself in the tremendous physical infrastructure it has put in place, at both Club and County level. The plan sets out work for a feasibility study at the County centre of excellence at Lissan in order to identify future development, and support will be given for the continuing enhancement of the major grounds in the County. Brewster Park will continue to be promoted as a GAA stadium of regional significance in the northern half of Ireland. Support will also be provided for other Clubs to develop their facilities. These are vital for the ongoing well-being of Gaelic games and associated activities in Fermanagh.

What We Intend To Do Led By & Involving Targets Set Outcomes Sought
To continue to assist all Clubs with the completion of the Club Maith accreditation process Development Officer/Development Committee Ongoing All Clubs have achieved Club Maith accreditation
Provide a reference database of successful development case studies Development Officer/Development& Lissan Committee February 2016 Information in respect of development of infrastructure readily at hand for future reference
To establish a work group to keep Clubs informed of the availability of funding from external agencies Development Officer/Development& Lissan Committee Ongoing Information in respect of development of infrastructure readily at hand for future reference
Carry out an Independent feasibility study on the Centre of Excellence at Lissan:

Future developmentb.    Maintenance and upkeep of facilitiesc.     Usage
Independent Reviewer/County Chairperson/Development Officer/Management Committee/County Committee August 2015 Deliver a comprehensive report on the future and future needs and development/management of Lissan GAA Centre.
To analyse the suitability of the current County office provision County Secretary/ Development Officer August 2015 Deliver a comprehensive report on the future needs, location and service of the County Office.
Continue to support Brewster Park as our Primary County Ground County Chairperson/ Development Officer/County Management/County Committee/Enniskillen GAA Ongoing Brewster Park will continue to be promoted as a GAA stadium of regional significance in the northern half of Ireland.
To facilitate the continuing development of the secondary County Ground  at St Molaise GAA, Irvinestown based on future funding becoming available County Chairperson/ Development Officer/County Management/County Committee/Irvinestown GAA Ongoing Additional facility to host major GAA fixtures in Fermanagh at County and Club Level

Coaching & Games Development

Whilst the GAA is not just about the games, the games nonetheless lie at the heart of what it is and what it does. Good coaching leads to games that are more enjoyable to play in and more enjoyable to watch. It will also contribute to Fermanagh’s inter-County performance. Because it is a County of limited resources, it is all the more important that Fermanagh fully capitalises on those resources. The Plan therefore sets out proposals to carry out an overall review of coaching and games development structures across all levels.

What We Intend To Do Led By & Involving Targets Set Outcomes Sought
Undertake a comprehensive independent  review of coaching and coaching structures in the County for both hurling and football which will address the following issues.a)    Evaluation of Primary School coaching structures 

b)    Evaluation  of coaching and coaching structures in all post primary schools including Integrated Schools


c)    Assess the coaching links between Fermanagh GAA and all post primary schools


d)    Assessing the standard of coaching and strength and conditioning within the clubs at all levels


e)    Assess support structures for Club coaches particularly at underage level.



f)      Assess the effectiveness of current structures in place for development squads and the quality of coaching and strength and conditioning players receive.


g)    Assess the issues with player transition from Development Squads to County Minor team.


h)    Assess the issues with player transition from Minor team to Under 21 team.


i)     Assess the issues with player transition from U21 to Senior team


j)      Analysis of the specific coaching needs within the urban areas of the County


k)    Make a range of recommendations that will attempt to address the ongoing weaknesses of U16, Minor and U21 County team


l)     Implement the agreed recommendations of the coaching review in a timely and effective manner.


Independent Reviewer with assistance where necessary from the following

  • Coaching & Games personnel from Croke Park and Ulster Council
  • Coaching and Games Committee
  • Fermanagh Bord na n-Og
  • County Management/County Committee












































Coaching and Games Development Committee





















































As efficiently and effectively as possible and within one year if human and financial resources permit.


Deliver a comprehensive report with a range of recommendations and develop work plans across each strand of activity.

















































Improvement in the quality of players representing County teams at all levels

 Club Fixtures & Competitions

Coaching without games however is a means without an end. Accordingly the County will take steps to provide players – at all levels, ages and grades – with meaningful programmes of games. Fermanagh GAA is committed to providing a meaningful program of fixtures across all grades and codes. We are also committed to continuously review the format of our competition to take into account the future social changes that impact on or clubs and participating numbers. 

What We Intend To Do Led By & Involving Targets Set Outcomes Sought
Continue to provide Gaelic Games opportunities across Fermanagh at Youth (U-12 to U-21) and Adult levels Youth Committee/CCC Ongoing Deliver games for all codes and categories
Continue to deliver an annual master fixture plan within Fermanagh to deliver a)    Regular flow of games across all levelsb)    Review the scheduling of Senior Intermediate, Junior Championships and Reserve Cup competitions annually CCC Ongoing Deliver a comprehensive fixture program annually
Deliver a program of Youth Hurling games within Fermanagh Youth Committee/CCC August 2015/Ongoing Deliver a program of youth games for existing and developing clubs
Carry out a feasibility study with a view to developing the games of Camogie, Rounders and Handball CCC December 2015 Deliver a report on the potential of developing Camogie, Rounders and handball
Draw up a policy in respect of the presentation and standard expected from clubs in relation to the safe keeping competition trophies/cups County Secretary/Youth/CCC April 2015 Deliver a report with agreed standards of presentation.


County Teams

County Teams: To provide the best opportunities and support available for county players and team managements in all codes.


What We Intend To Do Led By & Involving Targets Set Outcomes Sought
Continue to support and resource in sustainable ways, all County Fermanagh Teams.  County Chairperson/County Committee /Clubs Ongoing To achieve success at Ulster Minor/U-21 and Senior Championship
Provide adequate facilities and coaching structures for all county teams so as to ensure players are provided with every opportunity to represent their county.  Coaching and Games Development Committee/Development Committee/County Committee/ County Chairperson/Clubs On completion of review of Coaching and Review of Lissan facilitates. To ensure every player in the County wants to play for their County at all levels and codes
Feasibility study to develop a ‘Team Managers Academy, with in the County.   County Chairperson/Ulster Council/Croke Park Sept 2015 To identify potential team managers of the future to serve both club and county teams









Communication & Marketing

The GAA has a huge amount to offer communities; families; and individuals. At the same time it faces types and levels of competition – not all of which are from other sports – which are unprecedented. The GAA in Fermanagh needs to know and keep in close touch with its various audiences. To do that to best effect it has to make good use of various media and particularly to fully exploit the potential of IT/ICT. This is needed at both County and Club levels.


What We Intend To Do Led By & Involving Targets Set Outcomes Sought
To have in place a user friendly County Web site which will be continually updated on a regular basis PR Marketing/IT Committee May 2015/ongoing Contemporary website providing a service for Fermanagh GAA
To use the various social media platforms as a means to promoting the positive aspects of the Association in the County in line with the GAA’s social media policy PR Marketing/IT Committee Ongoing Public better informed in an easily accessible way about Fermanagh GAA issues
Continue to develop and enhance match related programmes PRO/ PR Marketing/IT Committee Ongoing Better information for match going public promoting Fermanagh GAA
Organise a annual communication workshop for clubs PRO/ PR Marketing/IT Committee January/February 2016/ Ongoing Improved understanding of the needs and views of County and Clubs








Child Welfare

Fermanagh GAA is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all young people who wish to participate in our Gaelic Games and activities. We will take all practicable steps to protect them from discernible forms of abuse, from harm, discrimination or degrading treatment and shall respect their rights, wishes and feelings.


What We Intend To Do Led By & Involving Targets Set Outcomes Sought
Work with Croke Park/Ulster Council to put into practise, policy from the ‘Our Games Our Code of Best Practise in respect of   working with underage teams players.  Children’s Officer/County Committee/Youth Committee/Clubs Ongoing To promote and maintain a safe environment for young people across Fermanagh
Carry out an annual audit to ensure that all persons working with young persons are Access NI compliant.  Children’s Officer Ongoing/January Each Year To ensure that every person who works with young people have been Access NI Checked.










Health & Well-Being

Fermanagh GAA is committed to providing advice and direction to our members and clubs on a range of health and social issues.


What We Intend To Do Led By & Involving Targets Set Outcomes Sought
Continue to support the county Health and Well being Committee to deliver information and support to clubs in respect of –a)   Mental health issuesb)  Suicide awareness issues

c)   Alcohol and Substances Abuse prevention

Health and Well being Committee/County Committee/Clubs Ongoing Support to the Fermanagh GAA family.Improved personal wellbeing and quality of life within Fermanagh
Continue to work with the Ulster Council to deliver the ‘Live to Play’ initiative. Health and Well being Committee/County Committee/Clubs Ongoing Work with Ulster GAA and the statutory agencies to help reduce road accidents and road deaths.
Continue to support the Provision of Cancer Focus NI Health Bus at Summer camp venues. Health and Well being Committee/GDM Ongoing Provide an accessible Health Bus to Fermanagh GAA members
Carry out a review GAA Social Initiative activity within the county. Health and Well being Committee/County Secretary May 2015 Improve the wellbeing of GAA members








The GAA in Fermanagh is both in and of the County. As the County changes, so too must the GAA. That change will involve the GAA becoming more inclusive, particularly in terms of women; people with disabilities; participants in other parts of the Gaelic games family; and people from non-traditional GAA backgrounds. The Plan commits the GAA in the County to an enthusiastic embracing of the entire equality agenda.


What We Intend To Do Led By & Involving Targets Set Outcomes Sought
To further develop the Associations policy of social inclusion through the promotion of our games in non-traditional schools and the continual provision of opportunities for non-nationals to participate in our games Coaching Officer/GDM/County Committee/Clubs Ongoing Promote and develop Gaelic games to a new audience
Work with Croke Park/Ulster Council to further develop and promote ‘Give Respect-Get Respect’ ethos across all levels of Fermanagh GAA activity Coaching Officer/GDM/Referees Committee Ongoing Greater respect for referees, players and officials
Examine the potential to develop initiatives such as ‘Have a Go-Gaelic for Mums’, ‘Over 40s,’ Games of Three Halves’, Wheelchair Games and special needs events Coaching Officer/Youth secretary/Fermanagh Ladies Gaelic Football Association Ongoing Promote and provide Gaelic Games for everyone







Refereeing & Discipline

Discipline on and off the field are central to what the GAA is about. Adhering to agreed codes of conduct and behaviour are the cornerstone of any discipline regime … but this can be significantly helped by good refereeing. The Plan proposes to continue to support a number of ongoing initiatives to develop the County’s refereeing capacity and standards within the county.


What We Intend To Do Led By & Involving Targets Set Outcomes Sought
Continue to support the Referee Committee in delivering their annual programmes in respect of a)    Referee recruitment policyb)    Foundation and level 1 training

c)    Review courses

d)    Fitness testing

e)    Referee Assessment

Referees Administrator/Referees Committee Ongoing Delivery of good refereeing standards across all games
Before the start of the competition year organise a meeting to deliver up to date guidance on the playing rules of both football and hurling and disciplinary procedures to clubs, CCC and Hearings Committee  Referees Administrator/Referees Committee/CCC/County Secretary February/March/ Ongoing A clear understanding of playing rules/ disciplinary procedures at both club and county committees






Culture and Heritage

The GAA is always about more than the games. As a County where place and heritage continue to have a powerful vigour, Fermanagh has always cherished these aspects of the GAA. The Plan proposes a renewed promotion of Scór; initiatives to support and spread the meaningful use of the Irish language; a continuous energising of local heritage; and a prioritising of the role and place of Gaelic art within the GAA and its facilities.


What We Intend To Do Led By & Involving Targets Set Outcomes Sought
Continue to promote Scór activity bya)    Review the workings of the County Scór Committeeb)    Identify a dedicated Scór person in every club

c)    Rewarding participating Clubs

d)    Provide support to non participating Clubs (advise & mentoring) to take part in Scór

e)    Promote the use of Irish greetings – Clubs & County meetings and games

f)     Promote the use of Irish Language signage at GAA facilities.

Cultural Officer/County Committee/Clubs September 2015 Improved participation in Scór across Fermanagh
What We Intend To Do Led By & Involving Targets Set Outcomes Sought
Continue to support the promotion of the Irish Language by:a)    Promote the use of Irish greetings – Clubs & County meetings and gamesb)    Promote the use of Irish Language signage at GAA facilities.

c)    Support local communities in quest to maintain Fermanagh ‘Townland Names’

d)    Promote Gaelic Art  component at County and Club Developments

e)    Develop a County GAA archive



Cultural Officer/County Committee/Clubs







September 2015









December 2015



December 2015



Improved participation in the Irish Language across Fermanagh


Improved sharing of resources and ideas


Irish accepted as central to

Fermanagh GAA in its activities



Maintaining information and artefact  for future generations


Main Sponsor - Tracey Concrete

Our Partners