The National Officer Development Committee (NODC) is delivering the new Club Leadership Development Programme module, “Running a successful Club AGM” in Fermanagh on Monday 22nd October at 7.30pm in Enniskillen Gaels Clubhouse, Brewster Park. Ulster GAA’s Finance Committee are holding a ‘Preparing Club accounts’ & financial governance workshop on the same night.
Therefore all Club Officers are asked to attend and after a brief welcome to everyone, the group will be split with Chairpersons and Secretaries going through the NODC Club AGM module and Treasurers going through the Ulster Finance Committee’s workshop.
I would ask that all Club Chairpersons, Secretaries and Treasurers, and any other officers who might be interested, register through the link below at your earliest convenience.
I look forward to seeing all Clubs represented at these very valuable seminars on the 22nd.