Attention all Club Managers

By Tom Fri 23rd Mar

Can you please bring the following information to the urgent attention of all adult team managers (Senior & Reserve)?

Rule 6.17 T.O. 2017 states that a player must have turned 17 before 1st January 2018 in order to play adult football in 2018. Anyone eligible to play U17 football in 2018 cannot play adult football.

There are significant implications for any club allowing a player that is too young to play for an adult team and this applies to both competitive games and challenge matches at both Senior & Reserve level, regardless of the opponents.

  1. If the player in question suffers an injury, he would not be covered by the Player Injury Fund and any liability could fall back on the team manager or another player.
  2. The player is liable to a 2 week suspension.
  3. The person in charge of the team is liable to an 8 week suspension.
  4. In a competitive game, the points would be awarded to the opposing team or forfeited depending on the circumstances.

Regardless of one’s opinion of this rule, it is written into the rules of the Association and must be complied with.

By Tom Fri 23rd Mar

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