Aaron Devlin R.I.P – A lasting legacy

By Tom Thu 5th May

Ballinderry Shamrocks Gaelic Athletic Club, County Derry are holding a “Ulster Club Golf Competition” being held on 8th July.
This event is being organised to raise funds to put in place a lasting legacy to Aaron Devlin, R.I.P., a young player who passed away suddenly in 2015.
A Chairde,
Our club will be hosting an ‘Ulster Club Golf Tournament’ at Killymoon Golf club, Cookstown, on Friday 8th July 2016, with all proceeds going towards the completion of our proposed 4G Synthetic Pitch which will have ‘Skills Ball Wall’ incorporated into the structure. The entire facility will measure 80m x 40m and will be central to the future development of our youth for generations to come.
Once completed the facility will be formally unveiled as ‘THE AARON DEVLIN PITCH’, as a lasting legacy to our 23 year old, talented player, who fell victim to an aggressive strain of meningitis, on 30th July of last year.
The golf event is to be endorsed as a one-day competitive tournament battled out by representatives of various clubs from across the full spectrum of different sporting codes. The competing clubs will come from within our own and the neighbouring counties of Ulster. The interest shown so far as been overwhelming, with many of our 60-team capacity starting slots already occupied. Indeed, should your club or representatives of your club be interested in competing in the event then just give us a call (ASAP!) and we will be more than happy to accommodate. The entry fee per ‘4-ball’ team is £500.
But we really want ALL clubs to help us make this event an enormous success and feel part of it. HOW? We are seeking your assistance through a token sponsorship of the event. It is our intention to have the golf taking part with the course decorated with the colours and crests of all clubs the length and breadth of Ireland and beyond. What a unique and effective backdrop this would provide for the players taking part on this sunny (hopefully) summer’s day.
We want each tee-box or green at each of the 18 holes plus other vantage sites on the course to be ‘peppered’ with crests and colours of clubs.
Your club sponsorship contribution of £100, €140, $150, will entitle the display of your club’s name and crest on the sign boards placed at any of the key positions already described.
Attached to this letter is a sponsorship contribution form for you to record club details, colours, crest etc. Please attach a cheque made payable to BALLINDERRY SHAMROCKS GAC and send to the address provided by 31st May so as to give us good time to prepare the sign boards.
We want to respond to all sponsors and indeed publish a special commemoration booklet of all contributors and this will be an eternal record of the help given to our club and the Devlin family.
Míle míle buíochas
Pádraig McEochain
Pádraig McEochain (Runai)
NAME OF CLUB: ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_________________________________________________________________
NAME OF COUNTY: ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_________________________________________________________________
CONTACT NAME: ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_________________________________________________________________
CONTACT NUMBER: ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_________________________________________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS: ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_________________________________________________________________
AMOUNT DONATED: ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_________________________________________________________________
(A letter head will suffice or if possible soft copy (electronic copy) of club logo to incorporate into the sign board)
Cheques made payable to: BALLINDERRY SHAMROCKS GAC
Return Address: Pat Mc Guckin
25 Mullan Road
Co. Tyrone
BT80 0DD
By Tom Thu 5th May

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