Having capatined his club Tempo Maguires to Fermanagh SFC success in 2012, Conor Foy will now taste the Intermediate Championship with Tempo in 2016.
Name: Conor Foy
Date of Birth: 8th July 1985
Position: Defender
Sporting hero: Conor Gormley/Tomas O’Se
Favourite musician: Bruce Springsteen
Favourite food: Steak with potatoe normandy out of Francos
Proudest moment: Coming down Tempo Main Street with the New York Cup in 2012
Biggest achievement: 2001 Minor Championship with a team that started off in Division 3 at u12
Toughest opponents: Them all
Favourite song: Thunderstruck
Pre-match ritual: Chicken and beans
Best player played with: Too many to mention but Damien Kelly has gave county and club great commitment over the years
Favourite movie: Usually can’t remember a film within a few days of seeing it but I like getting to the cinema and watching thriller/crime dramas
Favourite actor: Mark Wahlberg
Favourite actress: Mila Kunis
Favourite TV programme: Breaking Bad was addictive
Biggest influence on your career: Parents, extended family, clubmates and my wife
Ambition for 2016: Get regular football, win the competitions we’re in and keep the maroon and white flag flying